Operational-dispatch and process loudspeaker communication

Dispatch communication and technological explosion-proof loud-speaking communication are often combined by a common name – GHS. The construction of such solutions is a zone of special competence for Arman specialists with unprecedented experience in this field.

Advantages of dispatch communication and technological explosion-proof loud-speaking communication:
• allows you to establish an instant connection between the dispatcher and the desired subscriber by pressing a single button and does not require dialing a phone number with the expectation of a response;
• in the absence of a subscriber on the spot, he can be called by the dispatcher via loud-speaking communication in a given territory;
• in case of emergency, the explosion-proof speakerphone can also be used as a warning system for personnel;
• also allows (in intercom mode) to hold meetings without spending time gathering employees, which is especially relevant for geographically distributed enterprises.


Operational-dispatch and process loudspeaker communication


Competently designed and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the relevant standards dispatch and speakerphone systems are characterized by convenience and reliability of operation. Dispatch and technological speakerphone systems have a high level of fault tolerance, which ensures their stable and uninterrupted operation for a long time. Testing the effectiveness of industrial explosion-proof speakerphone systems designed and built by Arman has demonstrated the stability of industrial communications equipment to high humidity, temperature differences, mechanical stress and the effects of a number of aggressive environments.

Among the advantages of operational dispatch communication and warning systems, one can note a quick connection with a subscriber without the need to dial a phone number and wait for a response. In addition, the dispatch system in the absence of a subscriber allows you to send a message over the speakerphone installed on the premises.

Loud-speaking communication systems (GGS) and notification are characterized by universality of use, since they can be used to contact one subscriber or convey the necessary information to all employees at the same time. With the competent design and professional implementation of such systems, the operation of loud-speaking and dispatch communication is equally successful at different industrial facilities, regardless of the length of the territory.

Technological loud-speaking communication allows organizing safe timely production, provides interaction between dispatchers and contractors, and supports network infrastructure. Operational-technological communication is divided into several subspecies, each of which is indispensable in its sector. For example, negotiations between the operator and personnel located in the workshops and on the territory are carried out using two-way loud-speaking communication (“Dispatcher-GGS”). For the operational management of technical personnel, a loud-speaking warning is used in the workshops and on the territory. Also important is dispatch communication with mobile objects and explosion-proof loud-speaking communication at technological sites. The whole complex of technological communication includes more than a dozen items, which indicates the complexity and complexity of the design process of a single system.